The Lincolnshire Cancer Project compiled and submitted a response to the UK Governments Women’s Health Strategy along with From Pink to Prevention, Wen (Women’s Environmental Network) and the Alliance for Cancer Prevention. We considered there are considerable omissions in the strategy. The focus should be more on 21st century science, especially in relation to exposure … Continue reading The Lincolnshire Cancer Project response to the UK Government’s Women’s Health Strategy
Lincolnshire Cancer Project supports open letter to Cancer Research UK
The Lincolnshire Cancer Project joined a large group of academics, environmental and health and safety organisations in an open letter to Cancer Research UK. The letter inquired about their plans for the primary prevention of cancer. LAC is concerned about the rates of cancer in Lincolnshire and the lack of action on primary prevention.
Top EU officials fought for higher pesticide exposure – secret documents show
A new investigation by Pesticide Action Network Europe has found that top EU officials fought for higher pesticide exposure to protect the use of 32 dangerous pesticides.
International Workers’ Memorial Day 2019 #IWMD19
Join with millions of workers worldwide on the 28th April for International Workers Memorial Day. The theme this year is: Taking Control - Getting Dangerous Substances Out of the Workplace.
Weedkiller glyphosate a ‘substantial’ cancer factor
A US jury has found that one of the world's most widely-used weedkillers was a "substantial factor" in causing a man's cancer. This is the second case to win substantial damages from Monsanto for cancer linked to their weedkiller, Roundup.
Deadly air pollution limits breached in Boston.
New analysis by the UK100 local government leaders network of figures from the British Lung Foundation reveal air pollution can contribute to 40,000 deaths each year. The research found that almost 18 million people are registered to a GP surgery in an area where air pollution exceeds the World Health Organisation (WHO) limits. That’s equivalent … Continue reading Deadly air pollution limits breached in Boston.
EU glyphosate approval was based on plagiarised Monsanto text, report finds
Controversial weedkiller glyphosate, used widely across the EU and UK, was relicensed based on an assessment plagiarised from industry reports. A new report from the European Parliament found that the German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR) just copied and pasted tracts from Monsanto's studies.
Work-related cancers costs between 270 and 610 billion a year in the EU-2
A new book from the European Trade Union Institute finds that work-related cancers costs between €270 and €610 billion a year in the EU-28. Occupational cancers are the primary cause of work-related deaths in industrialised societies, with more than 100,000 people losing their lives each year through being exposed to carcinogens in their workplace. Latest … Continue reading Work-related cancers costs between 270 and 610 billion a year in the EU-2
New Research Paper: Occupational Health: A World of False Promises
New research from eminent scientists highlights the monumental tasks but trivial budgets afforded the World Health Organisation (WHO) and the International Labour Organization (ILO). Both agencies of the United Nations, the WHO is responsible for the technical aspects of occupational health and safety, and the promotion of medical services and hygienic standards while the International … Continue reading New Research Paper: Occupational Health: A World of False Promises
New coalition calls for urgent pesticide regulations reform
A new coalition comprising of 110 civil socities and institutions, as well as individual experts to call on European regulators to urgently reform the current pesticide risk assessment and risk management system. Citizens for Science in Pesticide Regulation coalition produced a manifesto which highlights the reasons why the current pesticide risk assessment and management needs … Continue reading New coalition calls for urgent pesticide regulations reform